المؤرخ [م. محمد إلهامي]

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Introduction Of The Prophet Of Peace Blog

In The Name Of Allah

Most Merciful Most Gracious


                            One of the most critical questions in modern ages is: What is Islam? And do all humanity understand and realize its ultimate massage and call? The answer on those questions, among others, is not an easy task, but the endeavor to reach and touch the line of truth about Islam must not stop. Some Muslims assume that they have utmost comprehension of the massage of their own religion; while other Muslims claim they have a better understanding of Islam's teachings and purposes. In fact, This continuous debate must be viewed as a positive aspect for Islam, as long as every one starts rightfully from the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah references. Likewise, this inspection will surely lead to healthful richness of Islam according to Holy Qur'an and distinguished Sunnah of the Prophet -peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. Therefore, we intend, by forming down this blog, to highlight on one of the important pillars of Islam, which is life, way of thinking and actions of the Prophet Muhammed -peace and blessings of Allah be upon him- which constitutes the second source of Islamic laws and legislation.

    Nevertheless, it is essential to point out the main obstacle of conveying the exact image of the Prophet Muhammed -peace and blessings of Allah be upon him- properly and accurately. The obstacle is, of course, the issues of religious translation. Actually, there is an unsolved debate among Arab translators whether to use Transliteration when translating Islamic texts, terms and definitions, as a necessity for their special holiness and sacredness, or to translate those special words and phrases according to translation usual rules. For example, when the name of God (Allah) is translated or transliterated like this, are we certain that non-Muslim reader grasp the exact meaning of the word? Or would he/she perhaps misunderstand the concept thinking that Muslims have a special kind of divine entity different than other religions? Moreover, we have words such as Salaat (where the common mistake is to translate it as "prayers" because it has a specific defining rule and conception), and Zakat (which is translating it as "alms" or as "charitable money payed to the poor" do not convey its exact meaning). This issue makes religious translation more problematic than it looks, particularly translating Islamic texts and phrases. However, non-Muslim readers can link any of those terms (i.e. the transliterated ones) to reality, if they make an effort in realization of their actual applications and how they are practiced or viewed. unfortunately, It is not an easy process, but we encourage deeper researches and real realization of the exact meaning of them. Besides, these efforts -if needed- are required for emergence of Islamic terms in global languages, and that must be considered as a positive interaction worldwide. But, any way, we will truthfully try making an effort to explain what we think needs interpretation elaboration.

    Finally, I must clarify that I will translate selective articles from the blog The Prophet of peace written by Dr. Muhammed Ahmad Al-Mubaiydh, who published many books such as Peace Culture: The Mentality and The Reality Desired, Peace Culture  Of Islam Prophet, The Prophet Of Mercy, and many other books, and I shall cooperate vastly with him in order to present this blog in the most suitable and rightful manner about the prophet of Islam for English readers, whether Muslims or non-Muslims. So the above mentioned blog derives its articles mainly from those books by Dr. Al-Mubaiydh, where he has written them about Prophet Muhammed -peace and blessings of Allah be upon him- which will be translated here -by Allah willing- along unlimited time, to the best of my knowledge and ability. In addition, I and Dr. Al-Mubaiydh welcome any suggestions, comments, criticism or even worthy corrections for the aim of rendering this blog more effective and clear for delivering its noble purposes. So help me God.

"And my guidance can not come except from Allah, in Him I trust and unto Him I repent" Hud: 88

{وَمَا تَوْفِيقِي إِلَّا بِاللَّهِ عَلَيْهِ تَوَكَّلْتُ وَإِلَيْهِ أُنِيبُ} هود: 88

Faisal Kareem

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